Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Allen's Mill Bridge Eldean, Ohio

Eldean Covered Bridge. Ohio

We came across this bridge in Eldean, Ohio, quite by accident and it was a lovely surprise. It is now called the Eldean covered bridge but was known earlier as the Allen's Mill bridge ( a local mill) and was built in 1860. The original plans for the bridge were patented in 1830 by a Col. Stephen Long of the U.S. Army engineers.

Historical Marker.

We drove over the bridge and it is quite interesting to feel the boards rattling beneath the tires.

The bridge was built in 1860.

The Eldean is the longest Col. Stephen Long bridge still in existence at 224 feet and the second longest in the state of Ohio, Miami county. It is a beautiful example of the first scientifically built bridge using a truss system for added strength. Originally it cost over $4,000.00 to construct.

A walk through.
I couldn't resist going inside and taking a picture of the Great Miami River from one of the windows.

Eldean Bridge over the Great Miami.

The bridge was fully restored in 2005/2006 and no doubt is as important historically as it is beautiful.

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