Wright Brother sculpture downtown Dayton, Ohio. |
It always amazes me just how many people never explore their own environment. A person who has lived in the same town for 40 plus years for example who has never visited a local museum, a city park, a new art gallery, a local Farmer's market. Being new to Dayton I have been exploring my new city. I meet people and inevitably they ask where I am visiting from? I say, I just moved here from California. They exclaim in surprise and always say the same thing...WHY? Ohio? They say it like I'm crazy and like California is a Utopia. I guess it's the same story every where; the grass is always greener somewhere else but hey Ohioans don't sell your state short! Get out there and just look at what you have. Be thankful. Be curious! And this isn't just for Ohioans but for everyone, wherever you are, get out and broaden your horizons.
Every place has a unique vibe, a different look, climate, terrain, art, vegetation, food, character, architecture, history and way of doing things. You get the idea. Every place is always in a state of change that's just the nature of life. "I haven't been there since I was a kid on a school trip." Why not? Guaranteed it has changed since then. Why not rediscover it now?
I love, love, love the Five Rivers Metro Park system here in Dayton. Each one of the parks is different. Wegerzyn gardens I go to almost on a weekly basis. The gardens are in a constant state of change. Something new is blooming, and something else has died down or the displays have been changed. The light changes as the day progresses. In early morning it is soft and the gardens have a hush over them. The plants are wet with dew, a bird is splashing in a puddle. I have sat on a bench and just listened to the garden waking up. It is a form of meditation. I feel rested and rejuvenated afterward. Midday the garden is bright and hot in the sun, volunteers weed beds, someone is mowing the lawn area. In the evening the light throws shadows as the sun goes down. A different feel again. The garden prepares for sleep. Just as a garden changes by day the seasonal changes deserve a return visit. Spring to summer to Fall to Winter. The first shoots of new flowers just poking their heads above soil; full blooms in summer showcasing drifts of colorful blossoms, the air heavy with fragrance; Fall colors in all their glory, grasses, trees and shrubs in reds, yellow and orange; Winter- a garden under snow is lovely in its own right. Bare stems lightly frosted in ice, footprints of animals and birds in fresh snow, the bright color of red berries against white. You get the idea.
Maybe because I have lived so many places in my life I am just naturally curious and interested in learning more. If I see an interesting building I want to know its history. If I see a plant that I don't know I look it up and the same is true for birds, trees, animals, and rocks. My point being that once you allow your curiosity to take hold it will lead you to more interests and experiences.
Say Yes to life. Say yes to new experiences. I was invited once to a co-workers home for a family get together that involved cooking. I was a little intimidated as he came from a very large family. It was right before the Christmas holidays. I said Yes and what an experience I had. Table after table put together with members spanning 4 generations around the tables making tamales. The men had started cooking the fillings three days ahead, piles of masa and corn husks were on the tables and I learned how to spread the masa and fill them. It was a huge assembly line. A family tradition that went on year after year and I was honored to be included. I remember it all these years later with love even though Grandmother, who spoke no English said "No, no" every time she saw my corn husk. I wasn't spreading the masa correctly, but it was OK, I learned and I had a wonderful time and a lifelong memory of tradition.
In Julia Cameron's "Artist's Way" series she encourages something she calls "Artist's Dates." The date is taken by yourself and can be anywhere that you find inspiring; a bookstore, an art gallery, museum, a garden, a walk on the beach, etc.. You go by yourself because you want to be your Self. Play, have fun, be inspired and act the way you want without being inhibited and at your own pace. Try it, it will work wonders.
There are plenty of sources for finding out what is going on in your town; the Internet on event sites or local news stations, radio, local newspapers or just look out for banners and signs announcing upcoming festivals, concerts and events. One will usually lead you to another. Local churches and groups are always having festivals, dinners and concerts. Network.
Regional food is a whole other story and you can only learn by going out and trying new things but I have to comment on one particular travesty that I have discovered here in Ohio here and now. Big Boy hamburgers. I'm from California where the original was made in all it's glory with it's original delicious special sauce and Ohio... tarter sauce is just NOT right. YUCK! How and where did it get lost in translation? Go to California, Burbank, and try the original...Please. Enough said.
I guess the reason I started "Blooming Where You Are Planted" was because I believe that we are ever changing too and in order to be the best we can be we need to look for our life everywhere we go. If a living thing stagnates it dies. You have to give your Spirit nourishment to live fully and deeply. Be inspired. Explore. Grow. Bloom!
Lilac Tree. Cox Arboretum. |